Margaret Raynolds, Consultant
Margaret is a staff and organizational development consultant. Her primary areas of expertise are teambuilding, instructional design, group facilitation, conflict management and career development.
In addition to Margaret’s work with My Executive Solutions, she operates a Virginia-based training and development consulting practice. Margaret’s experience draws from a variety of employers and industries, including banking, advertising, higher education, state government and the U.S. Air Force. Employers and clients appreciate her positive and warm approach, participatory learning methods, ability to forge common goals among independent thinkers and attention to outcomes. Margaret uses direct knowledge of workplace highs and lows to work with clients to promote the growth, development, maturity and improved functioning of teams and their workplaces. She believes in the possibility of workplaces where people communicate, manage conflict effectively and treat each other respectfully every day, all while achieving business and personal goals. Margaret views the constructive, honest and specific feedback offered through 360-degree feedback as valuable for effective individual and team development. Margaret volunteers as a facilitator with the Richmond Peace Education Center and Richmond Action Dialogues, where she employs a personal passion for helping people talk about tough subjects and listen to each other in a structured, supportive and compassionate manner. Margaret earned a Master’s degree in Adult Education with emphasis in Human Resource Development. She has expertise with numerous professional development assessment tools and methods, such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Group Facilitation Methods, Dialogue, Conflict Dynamics Profile and Strengths Finder. |